Expiry Date: 2007-31-12 Brief description of the codes which are freely available. Directory nbody2 contains the code NBODY2 and an article describing it. The file is called nbody2.tar.Z. Inside is the code, the article chap9.tex and also chap9.ps. The article may be produced in TeX using the enclosed macro svnyp.sty. A second code called NBODY2H is the Hermite block-step version which is preferable but without a manual. Directory nbody1 contains two versions of NBODY1 (original and new), and the Hermite block-step version NBODY1H suitable for micro-GRAPE, developed with Jun Makino. The directories nbody3 and nbody5 hold the codes NBODY3 and NBODY5. The former also holds an old version but nbody3.tar.gz is preferred. A tar file for COMOVE can be found in the directory comove. The public micro-Grape code NBODY4 is available in directory nbody4, together with an emulator version called BRUT4 which is identical except for a Fortran routine representing Grape functions. The former code is also implemented on the website www.nbodylab.org which contains the manual. The standard version of NBODY6 can be found in directory nbody6. The recent improved version nbody6.tar.gz also includes a 3D tidal field and has superseded the original which had some bugs. Enlarged NBODY6 released 1 Dec 2007 (2006 version kept in old6.tar.gz). Also included here is the extra gpu.tar.gz for using GPU with the standard nbody6. HERMIT is a basic Hermite integrator while HERMIT2 and HERMIT4 use the Kokubo et al. time-symmetric heliocentric method. The latter also includes Burdet-Heggie two-body regularization and treats collisions. The manuals for these codes are described in man6.ps and hermit4.ps. A bug relating to indirect terms in HERMIT2 & HERMIT4 was fixed 3/07. HERMIT3 (8/2011) uses standard Hermite and Burdet-Heggie regularization. Tar files for the basic versions of TRIPLE and CHAIN are also included. The code CHAIN2 contains the slow-down procedure (Cel. Mech. 64, 197). More sophisticated versions (e.g. scattering experiments) are available. The file movie3.tar.Z uses X11 for movies with three-body regularization. The file planet.tar.Z has Hermite block-steps and is similar to HERMIT and planet3.tar.Z holds the 1990 code for a wide ring of planetesimals. The file toy.tar.Z contains five different two-body regularization codes. Although compact, they are structured like real codes and are intended for accuracy tests and educational use. A compact toy code for Hermite block-steps was added as nbody0.f 11/06. The file ksreg2.tar.gz contains a Hermite KS toy code with PN2.5 terms. The following compressed tar files can be downloaded: nbody1.tar.Z nbody2.tar.Z nbody2h.tar.Z nbody3.tar.gz nbody3.tar.Z nbody4.tar.gz brut4.tar.gz nbody5.tar.Z nbody6.tar.gz gpu.tar.gz gpu2.tar.gz old6.tar.gz comove.tar.Z chain.tar.Z chain2.tar.Z movie.tar.Z hermit.tar.Z hermit2.tar.Z hermit3.tar.gz hermit4.tar.Z planet.tar.Z planet3.tar.Z triple.tar.Z movie3.tar.Z toy.tar.Z ksreg2.tar.gz nbody0.f ------------- Directory multireg contains triple and chain regularization codes described in the manual manreg.ps. These codes differ from the above. Note in particular the new chain version which includes a variety of optional features. Moreover, the triple code employs the new expression for the regularized Hamiltonian, derived in the book. Please consult the README file. (Updated 17 April & October 2006.) Post-Newtonian versions are called triple2.tar.Z and triple3.tar.Z.